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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Demi Moore Returns to Vanity Fair

(AP Photo/HO/Vanity Fair/Mario Testino/American Society of Magazine Editors)

Would you look at Demi Moore on the upcoming February 2007 cover of Vanity Fair next to her infamous Annie Leibovitz nakey pregnant cover from August 1991? Other than the white robe, some gold heels, a — what would you call that on her head? — and no bun in the oven, she practically looks the same! (Also interesting: That "How Saddam Survived" story from '91. Creepy!) And speaking of babies, Moore tells VF she indeed wants some lil' Ashton Kutchers. The quote:

"Most definitely. Most definitely. Once you hit three, where you’re outnumbered, it’s really, like, 'What’s the difference between (three or) four or five?' For me, the most important thing that I’ve contributed is my children."


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