Danny and Oswald Dance Off "Amazing Race"
(AP Photo/HO/CBS/Robert Voets)
Yes, we know. We're rude little pigs for not following along with "Amazing Race: All Stars" this season. The episodes have just sorta been lingering in The Slug's DVR like voicemails from Alec Baldwin. We were mostly able to catch up this weekend including with last night's thrilling new episode, which featured one ultra sensitive GPS gadget and the last elimination before next week's finale.
Poor Danny and Oswald. They were the supreme court jesters of this season and they missed their chance at the $1 million to the likes of those toothy cheerleaders and sad sacks Eric and Danielle. Looks like we'll be rooting for Charla next week. That's right. Just Charla. Not Mirna. We're hoping for a race first: ditching your annoying partner before crossing the finish line.