What to Do While Paris Hilton is in Jail
Paris Hilton is in jail for the next 23 days. How, oh how, will The Slug spend the month of June without her
tabloid cameos and red carpet appearances!? By playing video games starring her,
of course! (When we're not gaming, we'll watch prison chick flicks.) To cash in on Hilton's jailtime, GSN has released the Web-based game
"The Prison Life: Paris" on their site which allows casual gamers to play as a bobble-headed
Paris tasked with making license plates. It's kinda hard! If playing
Internet-based games is not hot, you can always download "Paris Hilton's Diamond Quest" for your cell phone. And E! — home of "The Simple Life" — has an
interactive quiz
which will inform you if you're a Paris Hilton
or Nicole Ritchie. The Slug took it
and we were dubbed a Nicole, which is hot because we don't look sexy in