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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Our Early Favorites on "Dancing with the Stars"

(AP Photo/HO/ABC)

Now that the professional dancer pairings on the new season of "Dancing with the Stars" have been revealed, we're changing our tune on who we think could win. Yes, the show doesn't premiere until Sept. 24, so these are very early predictions. The Slug will be keeping an eye on the following three couples.

Mark Cuban and Kym Johnson. Tycoon Cuban might be clunky, but he's competitive and will probably dedicate himself to the dance contest. Besides, Johnson won an Australian "Dancing" edition and once made Jerry Springer look competent during their routines.

Melanie "Scary Spice" Brown and Maksim Chmerkoskiy. Scary Spice is no stranger to dance moves and probably feels like she has something to prove to the world. Mel B. and Maks C. have fiery personalities that could ignite passion on the dance floor. Or disaster.

Cameron Mathison and Edyta Sliwinska. We've interviewed the fun-loving "All My Children" hunk before and think he'll be up for anything. His partner will wear anything. She's the only dancer to have appeared on all five seasons of the show. Isn't it her time to shine?


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